The Stages Of Selling Your Property

Step by step guide to selling your property

The first step is to estabish what your goals are, is this your first step onto the property ladder, are you upsizing, downsizing, whats your motivation for moving.


Once you have established what you are looking to achieve, whether thats an extra bedroom, more parking, a more central location, the next step is to organise your finances, speak to your mortgage company to see what your options are and seek independent advice from a mortgage advisor.


Register your next property requirements with estate agents who have an office in the town you are selling in, see how they deal with your enquiry, do they get to fully understand what type of property you are looking for, how do they present the properties to you, how efficient are they at sending you suitable properties as this is how they will market your property to prospective buyers.

The Estate Agents who impress you the most, invite them out to give you a valuation, ask your friends and family if they have had a positive experience and similarly if they have had a negative experience from any local estate agents.

Be careful not to fall for picking the cheapest estate agent, it may end up costing you more by you not getting the best price because the cheapest estate agent generally hasn't invested the resources to get your property to the widest possible auidence of buyers which is what achieves you the best price for your property.

Step 3

Once you have picked your Estate Agent, ensure they complete a narrated video for your property, this filters through the serious buyers to avoid unproductive disruption in your life, make sure you are happy with their advert online and ensure you receive feedback from all of your viewings so you can deal with any potential issues early on.

Step 4

Once a suitable buyer has been found and an acceptable offer has been made and accepted and you have found your next property and have negotiated a suitable purchase price, instruct your solicitor to complete the legal paperwork.

We hope you have found this step by step guide to selling your property useful, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting us on 01227 272302.

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